
My very first visit with Dr. Seckin was very eye opening

My very first visit with Dr. Seckin was very eye opening

I had started to get fibroids a couple of years earlier but as far as I knew they were growing very slowly

Tiffany’s Testimonial

Tiffany’s Testimonial

You are truly a beautiful man, with such a humble heart to freely share your gift with others. Thank you,...

My Journey with Endometriosis

My Journey with Endometriosis

How do I thank a man who saved my life? I will never forget this experience and the people at Dr. Seckin's office who made this happen.

Thank God for Dr. Seckin!

Thank God for Dr. Seckin!

I'd like to recommend any patient who has an endometriosis issues to come and consult with you, because you're undoubtedly are the best.

How does one thank a doctor for giving you your life back?

How does one thank a doctor for giving you your life back?

Thank you from everyone in my life, you have returned to them a mother, a daughter, a sister, an aunt, a friend, a lover, and a teacher.

Nova’s Endometriosis Removal Story

Nova’s Endometriosis Removal Story

I was diagnosed with endometriosis in April 2010. I didn’t know it at the time, but this was the beginning of a four-year ordeal involving

Moderate to severe abdominal pain and prospect of starting a family led me to search the web for an endometriosis specialist in NYC

Moderate to severe abdominal pain and prospect of starting a family led me to search the web for an endometriosis specialist in NYC

My mother has the disease and given the strong hereditary link, I suspected I may also have endometriosis.

I just wanted to say a quick thank you for taking such good care of my girlfriend

I just wanted to say a quick thank you for taking such good care of my girlfriend

It is comforting to know she is now in good hands under your care. I truly appreciate all you have done for her.

I am a survivor of Endometriosis!

I am a survivor of Endometriosis!

When I was 48, my periods became very heavy again and I had fibroids so I had a hysterectomy.

My Endometriosis Surgery for Frozen Pelvis

A Happy Adenomyosis Patient's Open Letter

Read about Melanie R.'s endometriosis story and how Dr. Seckin's approach and compassion towards herself and her husband changed her life.

My Journey: The detection, the diagnosis, the care leading up to the big day, surgery, recovery & life after the procedure

My Journey: The detection, the diagnosis, the care leading up to the big day, surgery, recovery & life after the procedure

On the day of surgery, I arrived at the hospital and was greeted by nurses and the medical team, I felt nervous but safe.

What an amazing experience.

What an amazing experience.

I was laughing and crying at the same time, knowing that things had finally taken a turn for the better. Seckin Endometriosis and Surgery