
I just wanted to say a quick thank you for taking such good care of my girlfriend

I just wanted to say a quick thank you for taking such good care of my girlfriend

It is comforting to know she is now in good hands under your care. I truly appreciate all you have done for her.

I am a survivor of Endometriosis!

I am a survivor of Endometriosis!

When I was 48, my periods became very heavy again and I had fibroids so I had a hysterectomy.

My Endometriosis Surgery for Frozen Pelvis

A Happy Adenomyosis Patient's Open Letter

Read about Melanie R.'s endometriosis story and how Dr. Seckin's approach and compassion towards herself and her husband changed her life.

My Journey: The detection, the diagnosis, the care leading up to the big day, surgery, recovery & life after the procedure

My Journey: The detection, the diagnosis, the care leading up to the big day, surgery, recovery & life after the procedure

On the day of surgery, I arrived at the hospital and was greeted by nurses and the medical team, I felt nervous but safe.

What an amazing experience.

What an amazing experience.

I was laughing and crying at the same time, knowing that things had finally taken a turn for the better. Seckin Endometriosis and Surgery

I had a small fibroid before I got pregnant, which grew to 20cm during pregnancy

I had a small fibroid before I got pregnant, which grew to 20cm during pregnancy

I want to thank Dr. Seckin and his team for all his help and advice; I am forever grateful. If I hadn't gone to him,

I am finally pain-free!

I am finally pain-free!

Dr. Seckin for your incredible expertise in this field and for creating an excellent treatment center. Seckin endometriosis and surgery

Severe stage 4 endometriosis involving my ovaries and bowel

Severe stage 4 endometriosis involving my ovaries and bowel

It’s been almost eight months since I had my surgery with Dr Seckin and his team for severe stage 4 endometriosis

Suffered from deep infiltrative endometriosis

Suffered from deep infiltrative endometriosis

My symptoms came back quickly and got worse in a few months’ time. I went to see Dr. Seckin in April and ended up ...

Thank you for changing my life

Thank you for changing my life

Dr. Seckin, I cannot tell you how much I appreciate what you have done. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for being who you are.

Mary’s Endometriosis Journey

Mary’s Endometriosis Journey

I can confidently say the surgery was a huge success. Remembering how much pain I was in every day seems unreal now.

If doctors didn’t question it, why should I?

If doctors didn’t question it, why should I?

I would report on my cramps post-surgery; however, I have yet to experience a period in a healed body.