I had a small fibroid before I got pregnant, which grew to 20cm during pregnancy

After having my baby in August 2013, I still looked 5 months pregnant in October 2013.  I had a small fibroid before I got pregnant, which grew to 20cm during pregnancy.  Looking five months pregnant when you are not is very depressing, so I decided to research and have the fibroid removed. Through my research, I found Dr. Seckin on the internet.  Once he saw me in his office, he said “you have to take that out.”  I was a little apprehensive at first, as I had just had a c-section in August, but I decided to go for it. Dr. Seckin advised that he would perform a myomectomy, and that I would be up and about in approximately 2 weeks. A 4lb fibroid was removed during the surgery. I cannot believe that a 4lb fibroid was growing inside me with my baby. Dr. Seckin performed a successful surgery. I stayed in the hospital for 2 days and I was back up in a week (walking and taking care of my baby). The recovery was so much easier than my c-section. I want to thank Dr. Seckin for all his help and advice; I am forever grateful. If I hadn’t gone to him, maybe I would still be walking around looking 5 months pregnant.

Ordeia B. 

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