Endometriosis Abstracts and Publications

Here you can find a list of Dr. Seckin's publications in print or other media as well as information about educational materials.
Seckin Endometriosis Center

Read about Seckin Endometriosis Center, a private medical practice dedicated to providing patients with life-altering endometriosis treatment
Our Surgery Techniques

Read about the different techniques and approaches that we use, which make our approach for endometriosis surgery so unique.
Lectures and Presentations

Here, you can find a list of the regional, national, and international lectures and presentations that Dr. Tamer Seckin was invited to give.
Patents, Inventions, and Trademarks in Laparoscopic Surgery for Endometriosis

Read about our patents, inventions, and trademarks in laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis and how these make us unique.
Meet Tamer Seckin, MD: An Internationally Renowned Endometriosis Specialist

Dr. Tamer Seckin, an endometriosis excision specialist surgeon who delivers personalized care and a standard of excellence.
Seckin Endometriosis Center in the Press

Read articles featuring Dr. Seckin and the Seckin Endometriosis Center (SEC) in different platforms in the United States press.