Laparoscopy allows a doctor to visualize your abdominal-pelvic region via an instrument known as a laparoscope. This is a thin, lighted instrument that has a telescopic lens, light sources, and a miniature video camera. During laparoscopic endometriosis surgery, the doctor manipulates the organs for viewing. He or she also takes biopsies to confirm a diagnosis of endometriosis and removes all lesions.
Incisions and carbon dioxide injection
The surgery begins with the surgeon making a small (approximately ½ inch long) incision through the navel. For better visualization inside the abdominal cavity, the surgeon injects carbon dioxide gas into the abdomen through this needle. This colorless, odorless gas distends the abdominal cavity so that the organs will lift and separate. This allows them to safely insert the laparoscope. The doctor will also likely make additional similar incisions in the pubic hairline and/or over the ovaries, through which they can insert surgical instruments.
Exploring the pelvis
After the strategic insertion of all the instruments, the surgeon begins to explore the organs and surrounding tissue. He or she also takes biopsy samples and then removes the endometriosis and adhesions. These instruments are an extension of the surgeon’s hands. So you can obtain the best results when you use the most experienced surgeon.
The diagnosis
Dr. Seckin will visually evaluate each section inside the abdominal and pelvic cavity systematically for a proper diagnosis. The peritoneum (the lining inside the body) covers the pelvis, bladder, bowel, abdominal cavity, appendix, and diaphragm (bottom of the lung). It must be inspected systematically and meticulously for endometriosis, one layer at a time so that no area is missed. He will then take biopsies of areas that look suspicious. A pathologist then examines the tissue and gives feedback to Dr. Seckin.
Following laparoscopic endometriosis surgery
Once the surgeon is confident that all procedures are complete and they have taken the necessary samples, they withdraw all instruments. They deflate the abdomen and close the incisions, usually with a few dissolvable stitches covered by band-aids. Scarring is generally minor.
Get a Second Opinion
Our endometriosis specialists are dedicated to providing patients with expert care. Whether you have been diagnosed or are looking to find a doctor, they are ready to help.Our office is located on 872 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10065.
You may call us at (646) 960-3080 or have your case reviewed by clicking here.