Endometriosis & Pelvic Pain Blog

Bowel Intestinal Endometriosis

Endo Strong Patient of the Week: Eve E

February 17, 2014 | by drseckin.com Endo Strong Patient of the Week: Eve E.

Dr. Seckin decided to go in laparoscopically when Eve was 28. He discovered a cyst and finally diagnosed Eve with endo. This is Eve's story.

Annie Amari Finds Hope After Years of Being Dismissed by The Medical Community

January 15, 2014 | by drseckin.com Annie Amari Finds Hope After

Annie has been dismissed by the medical community for years before finally finding Dr. Seckin who could understand and help her.

New Year’s Resolutions of an endo patient

| by drseckin.com New Year's Resolutions, 2014

The new year's resolutions of an endo patient who is determined to be gentler with herself and be more vocal about her disease.

Endo Strong Patient of the Week: Sara Fitzpatrick

January 13, 2014 | by drseckin.com Endo Strong Patient of the Week: Sara Fitzpatrick

Sara says she didn’t know what "normal" felt like until she came out of surgery with Dr. Seckin. This is her endo strong story.

5 Things to Do Before Your Endometriosis Surgery

December 16, 2013 | by drseckin.com 5 Things to Do Before Your Endometriosis Surgery

The idea of having surgery means something very different to me now than when I first learned I had to have my appendix out almost a decade ago.

My First Period – Spoken Word of Staceyann Chin

December 15, 2013 | by drseckin.com My First Period - Spoken Word of Staceyann Chin

Staceyann Chin performed her poetry “My First Period." through spoken word at the 2009 Campus Progress National Conference.

Endo Warriors Launch Party

December 10, 2013 | by drseckin.com Endowarriors Launch Party

Endo Warriors is an up-and-coming non-profit organization whose sole mission is to support women living with endometriosis.

Jessica’s story: After years of leg pain, Jessica found relief through excision surgery

November 18, 2013 | by drseckin.com After years of leg pain, Jessica found relief through excision surgery.

Read Jessica's story about leg pain due to endometriosis: after years of leg pain, Jessica found relief through excision surgery.

Cookbook for Endometriosis

October 27, 2013 | by drseckin.com Gluten-Free, Mediterranean Gourmet Cuisine

Aslihan Sabanci talks about her cookbook for endometriosis patients and answers questions about how a gluten-free, organic diet can help.

Endometriosis and Miscarriage

October 16, 2013 | by drseckin.com Endometriosis and Miscarriage

Endometriosis and miscarriage: it is terrible that the disease can also lead to the devastating experience of pregnancy loss.

Angela’s Story: A triple Bowel Resection Saved my Life

October 13, 2013 | by drseckin.com Angela's Story: A triple Bowel Resection Saved my Life

Angela, an endometriosis patient, feels that a triple bowel resection with Dr. Tamer Teckin Saved her life. Read more about her story.

Endo Strong Patient of the Week Cristiana: It’s Like a Poison Has Come Out of Me

October 9, 2013 | by drseckin.com ENDSTRONG patient of the week Cristiana: It’s like a poison has come out of me.

By age 10 or 11, Cristiana's cramps were so bad that she could not go to school during her period. This is her Endo Strong story.