Please consider this the most heartfelt and appreciative letter that I have ever written.

Dear Dr. Seckin:

Please consider this as the most heartfelt and appreciative letter that I have ever written.

When my daughter, son and I first came to your office one year ago in December of 2009, I was at my wits end. My daughter, Pam was diagnosed with stage 4 endometriosis 15 years before, had, subsequently, undergone four surgeries, and was in constant pain. Her life was miserable and, watching her struggle to do the mundane things broke my heart. Actually, I could easily write a book about all of the trials and tribulations that occured during those years.  We listened and pursued all suggestions and avenues to make Pam’s life bearable. We went to many doctors hoping that someone could help her permanently. Pam did get temporary relief after her various surgeries, but she was always on birth control pills and suffered from their side effects in addition to the symptoms of the endometriosis. Life was difficult, at best.

During our first visit to your well-run office, it was obious how much you understood what was happening in Pam’s body and in her life. You mapped out a plan for how to approach her condition, while I hoped and prayed that you would really be able to help her. In the back of my mind, I knew that, if you were unable to help Pam, I absolutely didn’t know what I was going to do – pretty frightening! At the end of our visit, while Pam was scheduling testing and surgery in the front office, you came over to me, took my hand in yours, and told me you would do your best to help my daughter. What an incredible feeling came over me! As well as being a highly-acclaimed specialist, you were a kind, caring individual. I felt, at that moment, that Pam was in the best hands and that you were going to do everything humanly possible to help her.

It was a rough surgery and a tougher recuperation for Pam. However, with time, she has recovered beautifully. Now, one year later, she has her life back. She is the wife her husband needs a wonderful, HEALTHY, energetic Mommy to her two adopted children (ages 7 and 5). She is a class-mother, a Daisy (Girl Scout) leader, a Sunday School teacher, etc. I, as her Mom, am thrilled. I give thanks to you everyday for bringing us all to this point. We have ALL been blessed by your expertise and your caring, and WE WILL BE ETERNALLY GRATEFUL.

With sincerity and love,

Pat K.

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Our endometriosis specialists are dedicated to providing patients with expert care. Whether you have been diagnosed or are looking to find a doctor, they are ready to help.

Our office is located on 872 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10065.
You may call us at (646) 960-3080 or have your case reviewed by clicking here.