My husband and I are very grateful for his expertise, knowledge, and ability to understand this dreadful disease

Dear Dr. Seckin:  

I wanted to send you a letter of gratitude for helping me get through many many years of pain and suffering due to endometriosis. Notice I didn’t say “my endometriosis” as it is treated now, thanks to you.   

Many years ago, when I was in my early 30s, I started getting horrific pain in my pelvic area. After visiting many doctors they all said I had cysts and fibroids in my ovaries and uterus, but they weren’t large enough to remove. They didn’t mention endometriosis. They kept saying the pain would go away. Every month I had horrific pain as I was ovulating and, since I had made the decision not to have any more children, they suggested I have a tubul ligation. This is where it all began – a long chain of doctors searching ineffectively for a solution. After having that surgery, they also gave me birth control pills. After a few months, I was bloated and in severe pain again. Another doctor then said I had endometriosis. So I went in for a laparoscopy.  She cleaned out the area, but the pain continued over the years.  

I went to doctor after doctor, all the supposed best in the gynecology field. Dr. Hall in Los Angeles said I had to have my uterus removed, and this would get rid of the endometriosis and the fibroids that were in my uterus. Off to surgery again. Recovery was long, but I was very hopeful. In about a year, the same pain returned. There were times when I was bent over in pain, especially during ovulation.  

In the meantime, I was going to nutritionists and following a great diet, trying to beat the issues with nutrition. I went to over 35 doctors in Los Angeles doing test after test after test. Over and over, they would do laparoscopic surgery, colonoscopies, endoscopies. I suffered from depression, anxiety and just couldn’t figure out why these doctors couldn’t find what was wrong with me. 

Another doctor, Dr. Reyes, now said “we have to take your ovaries out. This will then solve the endometriosis issues one and for all.” So, only 3 years after my uterus was removed, off I went to surgery again. The doctor brought in a cancer specialist to use his skills to remove any endometriosis, as she was not an expert in the disease and she thought he might help. The good news: I didn’t have cancer. The bad news: the pain started again, after just about a year. I couldn’t lift anything heavy, I couldn’t exercise, I was bloated all the time and with little drive or energy, and worse: the pain was now constant. I went to the best of doctors in NY and Los Angeles, always researching online who was doing what for pain. My search ended this year when I found you, Dr. Seckin.  

After an appointment and exam with Dr. Seckin, he told me that they had left my cervix and it was covered with scar tissue.  And, that this was typical in women with endometriosis – for doctors who don’t know much about the disease to leave the cervix, and that’s where the endometriosis starts gathering again. I couldn’t believe it! Another surgery needed? I could have gotten a whole hysterectomy the first time around and be done with all this. But, something about Dr. Seckin and his knowledge and how he explained it made me trust him to work his magic on me. This would be my final surgery, and I set up an appointment for my surgery. Although it’s taken me several months of recovery, I’m feeling like I have a brand new life! Dr. Seckin removed my cervix, then all the endometriosis around my bowels and other organs removing (scar tissue, etc.) previously overlooked by ALL the other doctors.

Today, I am supplementing my hormones with bio-identical hormones, and every day I’m extremely grateful. I’m extremely excited about my full recovery and already feel so much better than I have in many many years.  I would highly recommend Dr. Seckin. His expertise in the field is like no other doctor I’ve ever met.

I’m looking forward to spreading the word about Dr. Seckin. My husband and I are very grateful for his expertise, knowledge and ability to understand this dreadful disease. Thank you again, Dr. Seckin!

My best regards, 


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