My entire family sends their thanks to Dr. Seckin for the wonderful job he has done

I am glowing with joy as I write this testimony because today I have a life without pain. Endometriosis has been the most agonizing part of my life, which I have endured for more than 25 years. At the beginning of my fist menstrual cycle, the pain was so severe that I continually fainted. This was unusual since neither my mother nor my sister had ever experienced the types of symptoms such as continuous bleeding, extreme pain, throbbing and numbness down the legs, heavy bleeding, and a host of other symptoms. My mother took me to the gynecologist who after the first surgery, I was diagnosed with endometriosis and fibroids. I have had several surgeries for these conditions.

Meanwhile, my gynecologist tried all she knew to try to alleviate the pain, by prescribing medications to treat the symptoms, but to no avail. The endometriosis was getting worse, since every minute of my life was consumed with pain and unusual physical indicators; it was taking a toll on my job. I could not focus on anything, I did not feel like myself, and all I wanted to do was sleep.

My mother’s prayers were answered because she kept calling the gynecologist, telling her that there must be something that can be done. At one stage, when the pain got the better of me, I asked the gynecologist to have a hysterectomy, which I was against at all times as this is not a known “cure” for the endometriosis.

After the constant complaint by my mother to the gynecologist, it was suggested that I attend the 2011 Endometriosis Foundation of America’s conference as Dr. Seckin, the world’s best endometriosis specialist would be in attendance. I did as I was advised and made contact with Dr. Seckin.

After the symposium, I made an appointment with Dr. Seckin. I still remember one of the first questions that I was asked by him, “Do you want to have a baby or do you want to be out of pain?” Without hesitation, I said “I wanted to be out of pain”. Dr. Seckin then stated something I respect tremendously, “I cannot promise you anything until I see what is inside.”

Upon completion of a thorough examination by the doctor, with the assistance of his wonderful staff, and my faith in his capabilities, I was ready to have the surgery.

On June 18, 2011, I had my endometriosis surgery accomplished in a detailed manner and without fear. When I awoke, I knew I made the right decision because I was not in pain and it was as though, my brain returned to normal. I remember stating to the Dr. Seckin, “I was not crazy.” He said, “No, you had extremely deep endometriosis”.

My praise and thanks to Dr. Seckin. I would and have recommended anyone who suffers from this disease to see this amazing specialist and surgeon.

Being free of pain has given me a new lease in life, all due to the great work of Dr. Seckin and his team.

My entire family sends their thanks to Dr. Seckin for the wonderful job he has done. He is not only the greatest, but most of all, he has become a part of my family. There is hope for me to possibly have a child, but my greatest delight is that I am not in pain.

Warmest regards,

Golda T.

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