Dear Dr. Seckin,
I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate you. I have been in your care since I was 19-years-old (12 years). My battle with endometriosis has been a long one but I know I am in the best of hands with the greatest doctor in the WORLD. The birth of my son AJ would never have been possible without you and for that I am grateful.
Christine F.
Other Testimonials:
Dear Dr.Seckin, I hope you are well. I have almost recovered fully from the operation. I just wanted to say Just two small words to express so much gratitude. Other Testimonials: J.LEW – NEW YORK, NY (Endo)metriosis, like any disease, is never just about the disease itself, but the havoc it wreaks on your life. It is the fact that “nothing lasts forever”….except for this disease, incurable and terrorizing. And for those of you who do not experience severe endo, I would never wish it upon you.
I just turned 30 years old a week ago. My whole life I have been planning events, vacations, and even work- sometimes around my periods. Two weeks prior to my period every month, I’d become symptomatic. I’d get bloated, moody, and would suffer terrible body aches. My menstrual cycles were life changes, which is how I referred to them. Once I got my period, mentally I would feel relieved but physically- especially the first 2 days I would be keeled over in pain so bad that I would wake up from the cramps….
Words cannot describe our gratitude and respect for Dr. Seckin. My wife and I struggled with infertility for five years. After multiple rounds of failed IVF, we decided to switch fertility specialists. Our new reproductive physician had suspicions of endometriosis (even though my wife was asymptomatic) and referred us to an ob-gyn surgeon who performed the laparoscopy which revealed moderate endometriosis. Another year passed and the frustration continued. During a routine sonogram a suspicious cyst was noticed.
Get a Second Opinion
Our endometriosis specialists are dedicated to providing patients with expert care. Whether you have been diagnosed or are looking to find a doctor, they are ready to help.Our office is located on 872 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10065.
You may call us at (646) 960-3080 or have your case reviewed by clicking here.