The Relationship Between Endometriosis Inflammation and Diet
Inflammation is the body’s way of protecting itself from infection. In response to a virus or bacteria, the body makes white blood cells. This activates inflammatory cytokines that help protect the body from these foreign substances. This reaction causes increased blood flow to the injury or area and can leak into the tissue causing swelling. This process also stimulates nerves and can cause pain. The body’s immune response to having endometriosis in the pelvic cavity is peritoneal inflammation. Because endometriosis is not native to the body, the immune system puts up a war. In endometriosis patients, there are high levels of inflammatory cytokines and other inflammatory mediators in the peritoneal fluid. This article is about endometriosis inflammation and diet.
Inflammation and infertility
The presence of inflammatory cytokines in the peritoneal fluid can have a profound impact on a patient’s fertility. These inflammatory mediators can also promote the spreading of new blood vessels at the site of the lesions in the surrounding tissue. This local inflammation can also produce scar tissue. This then, in turn, can connect to other locally inflamed areas creating adhesions.
Endometriosis can cause excessive free radical activity in the body leading to oxidative stress. This can cause patients to feel generally unwell, have headaches, and can even cause depression. Excision surgeon, Dr. Tamer Seckin, has found that removal of the endometriosis through excision surgery and any related scar tissue and adhesions, significantly reduces inflammatory symptoms in his patients as well as increases their fertility.
Interstitial cystitis
Another inflammatory disease that often concurs with endometriosis is interstitial cystitis (IC). IC is a chronic inflammatory condition of the bladder. Symptoms of IC are bladder pressure, bladder pain, and sometimes pelvic pain. Also, patients with IC often feel the need to urinate quite often, even when their bladder isn’t full. It can be a painful and debilitating disease that can affect a patient’s quality of life.
Along with complete excision of the disease, Dr. Seckin firmly believes in the endo diet to help endometriosis patients reduce their inflammatory symptoms and improve their overall quality of life. The endo diet includes staying away from gluten, soy, and dairy products, along with making sure to try and eat organic foods.
To help with IC, patients are often told to participate in an elimination diet of a seemingly vast majority of foods. Patients then slowly start introducing new foods one week at a time to see if it is an irritants. Many patients who suffer from these conditions talk about how eating right can vastly improve their symptoms. It is clear that nutrition directly correlates to a patient’s quality of life.
Can a serving of broccoli a day really keep the inflammation away? Many in the medical profession believe that anti-inflammatory foods can help reduce free radical activity in the body and reduce inflammation. According to a study by researchers in Mexico City, endometriosis patients who followed a high antioxidant diet for three months had fewer inflammatory markers in their blood.
Foods reducing inflammation
Listed below are five foods that can reduce inflammation and are safe for both the endo diet and the IC diet.
This highly nutritious vegetable has both anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer phytonutrients. Broccoli may also be effective at battling allergies. To get the most out of your broccoli consumption, steam it for only five minutes to keep nutrients in. Also eating broccoli two to three times a week can help maximize its’ benefits.
Almonds are rich in fiber, calcium, and vitamin D. They also are packed with antioxidants, which help the body repair damage caused by inflammation. Seeing as dairy and soy milk can often be inflammatory and are not part of the endo diet, almond milk works as a great substitute even in cooking and baking.
Because berries are so high in anti-oxidants, they are natural anti-inflammatory agents. Though, for many IC patients, raspberries and strawberries are on the “do not eat list” and can be irritating. But, most IC patients can tolerate blueberries. Blueberries are jammed packed with phytonutrients. Studies by the New Zealand Institute of Food and Plant Research have even found them to be especially good for intestinal inflammation.
This strong-tasting vegetable has incredible immunity-boosting properties. Throughout the ages, garlic has always been used to ward off various infections. According to the University of Maryland’s Alternative Medicine Guide, garlic is rich in antioxidants. In your body, harmful particles called free radicals to build up as you age. Antioxidants like those found in garlic fight off free radicals. They may also reduce or even help prevent some of the damage caused over time.
These delicious fruits are packed with multiple phytonutrients and are an anti-inflammatory superstar. Adding avocados to salads or eating them plain with a little olive oil and sea salt can help your body fight off inflammation.
There is really no substitute for complete excision surgery to find relief from the inflammation, adhesions, and scar tissue that endometriosis can cause. But, Dr. Seckin believes that following the endo diet and finding other foods that boost your body’s natural healing abilities, can only improve your patient’s quality of life.
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Our endometriosis specialists are dedicated to providing patients with expert care. Whether you have been diagnosed or are looking to find a doctor, they are ready to help.Our office is located on 872 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10065.
You may call us at (646) 960-3080 or have your case reviewed by clicking here.