Selina Regan testimonial
Selina Regan:
Selina Regan. I’m a patient of Dr. Seckin’s. Have been from that 18 years. He diagnosed me with endometriosis and has performed two excision surgeries on me.
Speaker 2:
You have a wonderful success story to tell. Yes?
Selina Regan:
Yeah. Actually, two success stories. At the age of 41, when I thought I had very little odds of getting pregnant, I did. Now at 43, I’m pregnant again, much to the shock of the medical community at large, including the fertility community, but not to Dr. Seckin. Dr. Seckin always held faith that despite my age and endometriosis and something called a high FSH level that jumped up on me, that a second baby, and at first baby for that matter, were well within reach.
Speaker 2:
Selina Regan:
Thank you.
Speaker 2:
We’re really excited for you.
Selina Regan:
Thank you.
Speaker 2:
As a person who’s been involved a little bit with the foundation and who has been an endometriosis patient for so many years, how would you like to see people informed about the disease? What would you like to see changed in the medical community about how people are informed about the disease?
Selina Regan:
I just think awareness is really one of the key factors. When I talked to a lot of my friends who are very well-educated, sophisticated women, I’m surprised that they’ve never even heard of it when I hear them complaining about monthly pain or issues getting pregnant. I ask them, “Has your doctor ever brought it up?”, and they literally have no idea what I’m talking about. I’d liked for endometriosis to be as commonplace in the vocabulary of gynecologist as fibroids and menstrual cycle, and just to be part of the normal jargon so that it’s not a word that people don’t even know. That’s probably the primary thing, that people should be aware of what this disease is and that it can be treated and what impacts it can have. Because I do know that a few doctors that my friends who have gone to were pretty dismissive of it and said, “Well, if that’s the issue, you still need to go to a fertility doctor or you still need to do X.” They really didn’t actually treat the problem.
Speaker 2:
Yeah, I understand. Okay. Thank you for speaking with us, Selina.
Selina Regan:
Thank you. Goodbye.
Speaker 2:
Do me a favor.
Selina Regan:
Get a Second Opinion
Our endometriosis specialists are dedicated to providing patients with expert care. Whether you have been diagnosed or are looking to find a doctor, they are ready to help.Our office is located on 872 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10065.
You may call us at (646) 960-3080 or have your case reviewed by clicking here.