Overcoming Infertility: Bearing A Child While Having Endometriosis

Good morning Dr. Seckin,

I’ve been meaning to write this letter to you for quite some time. May of 2015, I had a successful deep excision endometriosis removal surgery and wrote you my story. This is my second story.

Overcoming Infertility: Bearing A Child While Having Endometriosis
Overcoming Infertility: Bearing A Child While Having Endometriosis

Soon after surgery my husband and I began trying to have a baby. After 8 months of attempting, I was finally pregnant January of 2016! What an answered prayer. Infertility has been my biggest fear since I was diagnosed with Endo. I gave immediate glory to God and then said a prayer thanking God for you. It was your surgery that made this possible.
My pregnancy was a breeze. I knew I wanted an unmedicated birth with my midwife at Stonybrook Hospital. I read all Ina May Gaskins books and any books on peaceful labor. My due date was on October 20th. At 2:30 am on October 18th- I woke up with contractions-I knew this was it. I quietly went into my living room and began walking and breathing deeply. My contractions were never more than 5 minutes apart. Very quickly they were 4 minutes and then 3 minutes apart. At 5:00 my husband woke up and I told him I was in labor and I would call my midwife at 6:00. By 5:30 I felt like I had to push. We called my midwife and she said it sounded like I was in active labor and that I should head to the hospital immediately. As my husband was packing the car I was on my hands and knees and felt like the baby was coming out and my body was pushing her out even if I wasn’t. The 30 min drive to the hospital I was screaming for my husband to hurry the baby was coming! We pulled into the hospital and within 5 min I was in a bed with nurses frantically setting up. My midwife walked in the door and I started pushing. Within 3 rounds of pushing, Gia weighing 7lbs 15 ozs was born.

The reason I am writing you my birth story is first and foremost because I believe I was able to have this baby because of you. It is incredible to think that the part of my body that caused me so much pain and heartache most of my life and the part that caused the most fear of not being able to carry a child, ended up being the strongest part of me when it mattered the most. I recovered quickly and still feel great to this day. Gia is turning 4 months this week and I wanted to say thank you again for healing me of this disease. Thank you for your compassion when no other doctors believed my struggle. This little girl is a testament to you!

Jamie A.

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