Dear Seckin,
I just wanted to send you a very big thank you for your incredible work. My family and I will always be grateful for the surgery you performed on me, which allowed me to have a beautiful baby girl. My husband and I are so happy to be parents, and wanted to share our joy.
Thank you again so much!
Best regards,
Other Testimonials:
I have been lucky that up until age 25, I have not had any medical problems and even my period, which began at age 13, was always like a breeze – no pain, no heavy bleeding. I was athletic, happy, and worry-free. As I turned 24, I noticed that I started to feel quite nauseous during period (still no pain though). Progressively, the nausea started to expand beyond period and I could feel sick for the entire month. At the same time, I start to feel exhausted easily. I was diagnosed with anxiety based on these “physical symptoms”.
I just turned 30 years old a week ago. My whole life I have been planning events, vacations, and even work- sometimes around my periods. Two weeks prior to my period every month, I’d become symptomatic. I’d get bloated, moody, and would suffer terrible body aches. My menstrual cycles were life changes, which is how I referred to them. Once I got my period, mentally I would feel relieved but physically- especially the first 2 days I would be keeled over in pain so bad that I would wake up from the cramps….
What an amazing experience. There was a point, where I honestly thought I would be stuck in my bed with intolerable pain and nausea for the rest of my life. I had three difficult surgeries before finally finding Dr. Seckin and even one day after surgery I feel more like myself then I have in the last 5 years. Phenomal doesn’t even begin to cover what Dr. Seckin did for me. I was laughing and crying at the same time, knowing that things had finally taken a turn for the better.
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Our endometriosis specialists are dedicated to providing patients with expert care. Whether you have been diagnosed or are looking to find a doctor, they are ready to help.Our office is located on 872 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10065.
You may call us at (646) 960-3080 or have your case reviewed by clicking here.