In late 2010, I was suffering from increasingly painful and heavy menstrual cycles. Seeking help from my ob/gyn. I was unfortunately misdiagnosed as “okay” and sent home being told that a “woman’s cycle can change at any time for no apparent reason.” My next menstrual cycle was so immensely painful, long and heavy that I knew that I was not okay. I found Dr. Seckin through online research, and made an appointment. The office was very helpful in guiding me through the process. After explaining my symptoms, Dr. Seckin took a look via vaginal sonogram and diagnosed me with a fibroid within 10 seconds of looking at the scan. I was surprised and stunned, yet completely relieved at his prompt diagnosis and subsequent plan of action. He thoroughly explained the laparoscopic procedure for fibroid removal, including its benefits and expectations.
Between the diagnosis and the planned surgery, I did have an emergency due to the extended and heavy bleeding and Dr. Seckin was fantastic. He came into the hospital on an emergency call for me on Sunday and performed a minor surgery to stop the bleeding.
Although the experience was emotionally hard, it was comforting to firmly believe in my medical care, and to know I was in the best possible professional surgical hands dedicated to precision, minimally-invasive techniques, and to preserving my fertility. Post fibroid removal surgery, I was home within 2 days and I recovered in full within 2 weeks. About a year has passed since my surgery, and my menstrual cycles continue to be a breeze: pain-free and regular.
I recommend Dr. Tamer Seckin in a heartbeat for women suffering from painful, heavy periods or a fibroid diagnosis. He is full of knowledge, thorough, warm and lively. I would be happy to answer any questions, or to speak about my recommendation further. My email and phone is available through Dr. Seckin’s office.
Carla V.
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