Global Patient Symposium is Upon Us

Global Patient Symposium
Together for Tomorrow
One of the most important aspects of combating endometriosis is proper education about the disease and the need to keep up to date with the latest developments in the field. Hearing directly from the experts helps reduce misinformation that is, unfortunately, still largely prevalent among patients and caregivers. The Endometriosis Foundation of America (EndoFound) hosts a patient conference every year in March commemorating Endometriosis Awareness Month. This year, EndoFound will host the Endometriosis 2023: Global Patient Symposium from March 18-19 in the Einhorn Auditorium at Lenox Hill Hospital, New York City.
Together for tomorrow
This year, the endometriosis symposium is based on the concept of “Together for Tomorrow”.
There is an acute need for a more collaborative approach to understanding endometriosis — both at scientific and personal levels. Each individual experiences a unique manifestation of endometriosis, which necessitates personalized treatment and management techniques.
The two-day endometriosis symposium spanning 15 hours, 20 speakers, and 30 sessions aims to bring together patients, clinicians, and researchers with the aim to network, share ideas and experiences, and discuss various aspects of the disease.
Participating organizations include Seckin Endometriosis Center, EndoTV Health Network, EndoNews, and EndoFertility.
In the past few years, this symposium was held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This year, the symposium is back in person and patients from all over the world will have a wonderful opportunity to network with their peers and top researchers and clinicians dealing with endometriosis.
The agenda
The two-day symposium will cover a variety of topics pertaining to endometriosis that touch upon issues like diagnosis, treatment, fertility, surgery, and well-being practices. Topics include:
- Developments in early diagnosis
- Fertility
- Integrated management strategies
- Anti-inflammatory diet and pain management
- Pelvic floor therapy, acupuncture, and holistic management
- Gold standards in treatment and excision surgery
- Bowel, bladder, and thoracic endometriosis
- Wellbeing practices to strengthen the mind and body
Distinguished speakers
Each year, the endometriosis symposium draws on the expertise and experience of those intimately connected with endometriosis care and treatment. A few of this year’s guest speaker list so far includes:
- Dan Martin, MD (EndoFound Scientific and Medical Director)
- Amanda Chu, MD (Seckin Endometriosis Center)
- Rachel E. Gross (Award-winning Science Journalist & Author)
- Tracey Haas, DO (Family Physician in Wyoming, Clinical Instructor, University of Washington School of Medicine, EndoFound Board of Directors)
- Latia Lee (Registered Nurse, EndoFound Patient Advisory Committee)
- Erica Michitsch, PT, DPT, WCS (Solstice Physiotherapy)
- Semir Beyaz, PhD (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)
- Kara Mortifoglio, PT, DPT, WCS (Solstice Physiotherapy)
- Jessica Murnane (Author Known Your Endo and One Part Plant Cookbook; Founder of Know Your Endo)
- Harry Reich, MD (Honorary Medical Director Emeritus and Senior Medical Advisor to EndoFound)
- Tamer Seckin, MD (Attending physician Lenox Hill Hospital, Founder and President of Endometriosis Foundation of America)
- Serin Seckin, MD (Senior Fellow Reproductive Endocrinology, Columbia University Dept of OB/GYN))
Register now
Registration for the endometriosis symposium is now open. Those wishing to attend in person at the Einhorn Auditorium at Lenox Hill Hospital, New York City, can register for a $90 ticket. The fees include breakfast, coffee, and boxed lunches for all attendees. Attendees will also be able to take part in a networking event scheduled for 5:30 PM on Saturday, March 18.
Those who are not able to make it to the venue in person also have the option of watching the sessions virtually by registering for a $50 ticket.
For more information, please visit the EndoFound patient day website and spread the word among your friends, family, and support networks.
You can also follow EndoFound on all popular social media platforms for real-time updates and information about the symposium.
Have you ever been to the Global Patient Symptosium? Please please share your experience by leaving a comment on our post on Facebook or Instagram if you wish.
Get a Second Opinion
Our endometriosis specialists are dedicated to providing patients with expert care. Whether you have been diagnosed or are looking to find a doctor, they are ready to help.Our office is located on 872 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10065.
You may call us at (646) 960-3080 or have your case reviewed by clicking here.