Dr. Seckin has a gift. An amazing gift that there are not enough words to describe how wonderful he is. From the age of 12 until the last year 2015 at the age of 35, I have been suffering from debilitating cramps, back pain, and heavy bleeding during my period. Like many women who suffer from endometriosis, I felt alone and defeated thinking I was never going to feel like a normal person at any point in my life. Not until I walked into Dr. Seckin’s office did I feel like I had a hope of living pain-free.
I had a very serious case, stage 4 endo that had spread all over my uterus to my bladder and appendix along with 22 fibroids. I was in bad shape. I also had no idea that endo could spread throughout the body the way it did. My first visit was amazing. He spent almost two hours with me asking questions and telling me about the surgery he performs. He educated me in a way that no other doctor had before. I couldn’t believe how many women suffer from this terrible disease. Lucy and Kim were wonderful as well. They are a great team and were so helpful and reassuring in the process of leading up to my surgery. I felt confident when I walked out that I had finally found a doctor who took me and the pain I was in seriously. After an MRI he suggested surgery right away and I jumped for joy. I jumped for joy about surgery because I had hope for the first time in my life. I was hopeful about living my life with the potential of not dealing with severe cramps and back pain once a month.
He was able to remove the fibroids and got rid of all the endo that had spread through small incisions that have healed so well. I can barely see a scar. Dr. Seckin has a wonderful bedside manner and came to see me twice while I was in the hospital recovering. He is truly a class act. I feel like a brand new person after having my surgery. I feel little to no pain during my periods. Again, I feel little to NO PAIN during my periods since having the surgery. If you have made it this far to see him, trust me you are in excellent hands and he will know exactly how to treat your case. Thank you, thank you Dr. Seckin, for having the gumption to specialize in endo and changing women’s lives for the better!
Proud Patient,
Cicely W.
Union City NJ
Get a Second Opinion
Our endometriosis specialists are dedicated to providing patients with expert care. Whether you have been diagnosed or are looking to find a doctor, they are ready to help.Our office is located on 872 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10065.
You may call us at (646) 960-3080 or have your case reviewed by clicking here.