Premature Ovarian Failure and Endometriosis
August 2, 2022 | by drseckin.comPremature ovarian failure is the cessation of ovarian function in women before age 40 and can be caused by endometriosis.
Retroverted or Tilted Uterus and Endometriosis
July 20, 2022 | by drseckin.comRead about what a tilted uterus is and what kind of complications it can cause, as well as treatment options that are available.
Tubal Infertility and Endometriosis
July 14, 2022 | by drseckin.comEndometriosis that occurs in or around the fallopian tubes can cause tubal infertility. Read on for more information about tubal infertility.
Historic Update to ICD-10 Endometriosis Diagnosis Codes
July 10, 2022 | by drseckin.comThe inclusion of 100 new endometriosis codes into ICD-10-CM is a historical step giving validation and legitimacy to patients.
What Is Uterine Prolapse and How to Treat it?
July 1, 2022 | by drseckin.comUterine prolapse happens when the uterus is no longer held in place and slips down or herniates into the vagina.
Infertility Workup
June 23, 2022 | by drseckin.comAn infertility workup includes laboratory and imaging tests to evaluate the cause of infertility and confirm its diagnosis.
Endometriosis and PCOS
June 14, 2022 | by drseckin.comEndometriosis and PCOS can often co-exist. Read about the symptoms and treatment options available for the conditions.
Endometriosis Awareness: The Hill Day
June 7, 2022 | by drseckin.comEndoFound recently hosted Hill Day, a Virtual UpEndo Citizen Advocacy Coalition Briefing to raise awareness about endometriosis.
Virtual UpEndo Citizen Advocacy Coalition Briefing
May 26, 2022 | by drseckin.comThe Endometriosis Foundation of America (EndoFound) initiated the UpEndo Coalition to double federal funding for endometriosis.
Panic Attacks and Endometriosis
May 12, 2022 | by drseckin.comWomen with endometriosis are at risk of having panic attacks. Here is some information about panic attacks and how to deal with them.
Best Adenomyosis Treatment
May 11, 2022 | by drseckin.comIs a hysterectomy the only treatment option for adenomyosis? Read more about the other options available for adenomyosis treatment.
April Is Adenomyosis Awareness Month
April 29, 2022 | by drseckin.comApril is Adenomyosis Awareness Month to raise awareness about the condition among the public, healthcare professionals, and policy-makers.