Endometriosis & Pelvic Pain Blog

Bowel Intestinal Endometriosis

Endometriosis of Incision Scar or Belly Button

September 10, 2012 | by drseckin.com Endometriosis of Incision Scar or Belly Button

This article contains information about endometriosis of incision scar or belly button and Dr. Seckin's approach to treating it.

Interview: Dr. Tamer Seckin On Endometriosis – “Killer Cramps Are Not Normal”

July 3, 2012 | by drseckin.com Nonsurgical Endometriosis Management

Tamer Seckin, M.D., is a leader in the area of medicine seeking to improve the lives of women with endometriosis.

A Hidden Pain, Padma Lakshmi Tells her Story

June 4, 2012 | by drseckin.com From Newsweek: A Hidden Pain

Why a famous beauty like 'Top Chef' host Padma Lakshmi is talking about a very unglamorous disease like endometriosis.

Blossom Ball 2012

February 11, 2012 | by drseckin.com Blossom Ball 2012

This Blossom Ball is held during Endometriosis Awareness Month to support the initiatives of The Endometriosis Foundation of America.

AAGL Congress 2011 – Tamer Seckin

November 26, 2011 | by drseckin.com AAGL Meeting 2011

EndoFound Co-Founders Dr. Tamer Seckin and Padma Lakshmi were prominent guests of the AAGL Congress that took place in November 2011.

Dr. Tamer Seckin Attends World Congress

September 7, 2011 | by drseckin.com Dr. Tamer Seckin Attends World Congress

EndoFound President and Chief Medical Officer Dr. Tamer Seckin Attends World Congress, Seckin Endometriosis Center

EndoFound’s Effort to Raise Endometriosis Awareness

July 15, 2011 | by drseckin.com Tamer Seckin, MD and Padma Lakshmi

EndoFound Co-Founders Dr. Tamer Seckin and Padma Lakshmi joined Dr. Asgi Fazleabas to raise endometriosis awareness.

Endometriosis Medical Conference

| by drseckin.com EndoFound President Tamer Seckin, MD

Founder Tamer Seckin, MD, Teams Up with Top Medical Professionals to Talk about Sex...and Endometriosis...Seriously!

“Take Back the Day” Essay-Writing Contest

| by drseckin.com Raise Awareness Now & Win: Endometriosis Foundation of America "Take Back the Day" Essay-Writing Contest

Raise Awareness Now and Win. Enter the Endometriosis Foundation of America's "Take Back the Day" essay-writing contest.

Selina Regan testimonial

Selina Regan testimonial

When I talked to my friends who are very well-educated, sophisticated women, I'm surprised that they've never even heard of endometriosis

Center for Excellence

Center for Excellence

Dr.Seckin explains the center of excellence about the endometriosis surgery. Please check the video to get more information

Ali’s EndometriosisStory

Learn more about Ali's Endometriosis surgery journey.