5 Things You Need to Know About Endometriosis Surgery at SEC
Laparoscopic deep excision surgery is currently the only gold standard for the treatment of endometriosis. Surgeons at Seckin Endometriosis Center (SEC) led by Dr. Tamer Seckin have years of experience in this technique. Here’s what makes SEC stand out from other centers for endometriosis surgery.
We never perform endometriosis surgery without patient consent
At SEC, we go beyond just taking the patient’s consent. We understand that endometriosis can present debilitating symptoms that have a negative impact on both your personal and professional life. Living with endometriosis is a deeply personal journey with varying emotions that are often not recognized.
We always educate our patients on the potential benefits of endometriosis surgery and how it can improve their symptoms. We also explain in detail and in easy-to-understand language the pros and cons of the procedure covering the potential impact it may have on critical aspects of your life, such as fertility, as well as the inherent risks of the surgery itself.
Our aim is to preserve fertility, always
One of the major outcomes of endometriosis is infertility, which affects nearly 50% of the patients. The exact way in which endometriosis may cause infertility is unclear. However, we believe that endometriosis is not the end of the road.
Gynecologists typically advocate surgical procedures such as hysterectomy and oophorectomy. However, these procedures do not cure endometriosis as lesions can occur in far-off organs including the diaphragm, kidneys, and even thorax. Moreover, a hysterectomy can result in irreversible infertility.
At SEC, we ensure that we preserve or reconstruct the anatomical structure and function of the reproductive organs while fully removing all visible lesions. We do not use laser ablation, fulguration, or electrocautery methods on endometriosis lesions– especially on the ovary. These can not only destroy surrounding healthy tissue but can actually cause symptoms to come back because the lesions have only been destroyed superficially. We always aim to preserve fertility, leaving ovaries, tubes, and the uterus intact as much as possible given the pathology. Of course, there are patients who no longer wish to maintain fertility and these are managed on a case-by-case basis.
We improve endometriosis lesion visualization with Aqua Blue Contrast
It is often difficult to make the difference between endometriosis lesions and healthy tissue. Dr. Seckin’s Aqua Blue Contrast (ABC)TM is our patented visualization strategy that uses a methylene blue dye to help the surgeon easily see lesions under the operating light. The blue color effectively filters the red, yellow, and white colors that these lesions reflect. Combined with magnification from an advanced laparoscopic camera, surgeons at SEC are able to identify and excise all kinds of endometriosis lesions.
The use of Aqua Blue Contrast has resulted in a more than twofold increase in excision rates while helping to minimize the need for multiple surgeries.
We confirm the diagnosis by excision followed by histology
At SEC, we use a three-step approach to confirm endometriosis diagnosis.
The first step is based on our office consultation and the detailed medical history of the patient. Physical examination and imaging can also provide vital information about the progress of the disease and the nature of symptoms.
We then visually diagnose endometriosis by laparoscopy. Prior to this, we carefully examine the endometrial lining of the uterus by hysteroscopy.
Finally, we send the lesions that we excise to a lab for histopathological analysis. This is the only method to definitively confirm a diagnosis of endometriosis.
We have a multidisciplinary approach built on Dr. Seckin’s immense experience
Endometriosis can affect multiple organs in the pelvic and extra-pelvic regions, which requires specialists in various medical disciplines who work together. The team led by Dr. Seckin uses a multidisciplinary approach to collaborative decision-making. The multidisciplinary team often includes a pathologist, urologist, bowel surgeon, thoracic surgeon, and radiologist specializing in gynecology working together with the endometriosis surgeon. That team supports the patient at all stages of endometriosis treatment, including before the operation, during surgery, and during recovery.
Are you considering endometriosis surgery? Please do not hesitate to share any concerns you may have by leaving a comment on our post on Facebook or Instagram.
Get a Second Opinion
Our endometriosis specialists are dedicated to providing patients with expert care. Whether you have been diagnosed or are looking to find a doctor, they are ready to help.Our office is located on 872 Fifth Avenue New York, NY 10065.
You may call us at (646) 960-3080 or have your case reviewed by clicking here.